Sharpens Your Memory

  1. Do not always trust your memory. Write your ideas, goals and important information down on paper.
  2. Create a –‘to do list.’Use the formula …”think it, link it, and sink it.”
  3. Create an affirmation to build memory and concentration .Many people say ‘I can never remember names ‘or I have such a bad memory. These will only reinforce your belief in having a bad memory. Instead create a positive affirmation and say I have an amazing memory and I remember names very easily. The use of your imagination is a key factor in remembering any names, places or things. Make it bigger, bolder and louder so it impresses upon your memory.
  4. Clean up any clutter or mess in your life.
  5. Set goals for yourself .Once you set a goal, your mind will automatically accept it.
  6. Listen to others..Look intent, stop talking, and Embrace naturally.
  7. When remembering, take deep breath in, exhale and relax. These will help you in release any tension and resistance.
  8. Last but not the least; make meditation and prayer your habit. This will helps a lot in making you calm and sharpens you memory and concentration.