The Ministry of Human Resource Development

"The ministry of Human Resource Development is an Indian government ministry, responsible for the development of human resources." The Ministry divided in to two Departments of school education and literacy and the department of Higher Education, which deals with secondary and post secondary education.

East while ministry of education now functions under these two departments, as of Sept. 26, 1985.

The ministry of Human Resources Development is headed by a minister of cabinet rank as a member of the council of ministers. The current minister of Human Resource Development is Smriti Irani.

The MHRD work through two departments

- Department of School Education
- Department of Higher Education


The main objectives of the ministry would be:-

- Formulating the National Policy on education and to ensure that it is implemented in Letter and spirit.

- Planned development including expending quality of the educational institutions throughout the country including in the regions where people do not have usage access to educations.

- Paying special attention to disadvantaged groups like the poor, females and the minorities.

- Provide financial help in the form of scholarships, loan, & subsidy etc. to deserving students from deprived sectors of the society.

- Encouraging international cooperation in the field of education including working closely with the UNESCO and Foreign Governments as well as universities to in hence the educational opportunities in the country.

Blood and Its Products

A few labile substances of Fresh Blood are :-

blood cells
(A) Platelets:- These stick to the rubber and glass surface and also soon die or become non-functional. If platelets are needed, fresh blood is necessary.

(B) W.B.C:- These die fairly rapidly. On occasions where the patient is suffering from several leucopenia with Infection, a transfusion of fresh blood provides viable leukocytes which help to fight the infection but which do not raise the W.B.C. count.

(C) Factor-VIII:- Ant hemophilic globulin patients with hemophilia should be transfused with fresh blood if they need transfusion to help stop bieeding, since AHG disappears rapidly from stared blood.

(D) Other labile factors:- Can be provided by given frozen or dried plasma.

white blood cells
2-Packed Cells:- Sediment Cells in chronic anemia one may want to transfuse just the packed cells. This can be prepared by aspirating the plasma into a separate sterile bottle, leaving the cells in original bottle. The packed Cells should be transfused within 4 hours.

3-Plasma:- It may be used as :-

(i) Liquid Plasma:- It should contain 5% dextrose to prevent precipitation of fibrin at room temperature.

Liquid plasma may be kept at room temp. For 3 year. Hepatitis virus is attenuated or destroyed in plasma that has remained at RT for 6 months
(1) Frozen Plasma
(2) Dried Plasma