LINQ is an acronym for Language Integrated Query .This component has been released by Microsoft within .Net 3.5 Framework. It is used to query Objects.

It uses standard query operators for filtering, traversing and as well as for projection operations.

It enables a developer to tell a provider what to do instead of how to do it. It provides an object oriented view of data and is hierarchical.

In LINQ result of one query can be used by other query and has a single unitive syntax for querying multiple data sources.

Because LINQ is integrated in language one can write code much faster than obsolete style queries.

In LINQ, complex problems are broken down in smaller queries for easy debugging.

LINQ can query any type of data source like SQL,XML data source etc.It allows us to write concise code.

LINQ can query objects that implement IEnumerable Interface.

LINQ should be avoided for small queries, it might not be suitable for them.

For writing LINQ in c# one should have to use System.Linq namespace.